About Us

The Greyhound Supporters (GS) (of the National Capital Region) was established in 2005 and is a not-for-profit group in the general geographic area of Ottawa (the National Capital Region), who have adopted retired racing greyhounds, and who are interested in their welfare after life at the racing track. 

The purpose of this group is to:

  1. Facilitate the adoption of retired racing greyhounds into loving homes and provide on-going support to the local sighthound (greyhound, saluki, galgo, lurcher, etc.) community.

  2. Raise funds for, and/or participate in, sighthound-related causes that have been established to improve the health and/or welfare of retired racing greyhounds and other sighthounds globally. (Examples of these types of causes are canine cancer studies, tick-borne disease research, specific initiatives within the sighthound community such as galgo rescue in Spain, etc.)

  3. Raise public awareness of retired racing greyhounds as pets and of the status of all sighthounds globally.

    1. This may include assuming an advocacy role for certain initiatives.

To facilitate these objectives, fundraising and information events will be established on an ongoing basis. Individual fundraising or information events may have separate Terms of Reference and ad hoc members that may join the Board in support of these specific events.